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Awards and Recognition 

WFUNA Leader of the Year

WFUNA Leader of the Year

Issued by World Federation of United Nations Associations · Apr 2024- WFUNA supports and encourages youth engagement and participation through our UNAs as well as through the broader WFUNA Youth Network. By recognizing a Young Leader of the Year, WFUNA aims to find, select, and share the achievements of an exceptional young person to a wider audience and highlight their contributions to our organization.

Canada's Emerging Leader BC & The North 2022

Canada's Emerging Leader BC & The North 2022

Ms. Prasad has been recognized by the government of Canada in the 2021 Emerging Leader category for BC and the North. Rochelle Prasad is a well thought: social entrepreneur, author, UN SDG advocate, and educator. She will be awarded a lapel pin, a certificate signed by the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, a grant of $5000, at an intimate ceremony in Ottawa on December 5th. Viewers at home can watch the ceremony here at 5:30pm EST

Surrey Board of Trade Emerging Leader

Surrey Board of Trade Emerging Leader

The Surrey Women in Business Awards recognizes women that are making Surrey such a dynamic and vibrant city,” said Anita Huberman, president and CEO of the board. “The Surrey Women in Business Team through the Surrey Board of Trade are revving up the recognition and opportunities for women in business.”



The Conversationalist is the go-to destination for amplifying Gen Z voices. I am a proud member of their global Gen Z community dedicated to breaking open echo chambers and unifying the world, one conversation at a time. You can spot a familiar name on their 2020-2021 LIST as a featured honouree award recipient in the Amplify Category, along side super incredible world changers and celebrities.

Globe and Mail

Globe and Mail

Globe and Mail Top 50 Change Makers in Canada 2021

Diana Award 2020

Diana Award 2020

ROCHELLE PRASAD SPARK FOUNDATION_SURREY, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA_AGE 21 After recognising the difficulties that many young people in her area face such as gang involvement, Rochelle co-founded the ‘Surrey Youth Safety Council’, which aims to reduce youth crime through in-school workshops and mentorship. Rochelle is also the founder of SPARK Foundation which works to empower the next generation through life education programs. Rochelle leads workshops around the world, has run camps and communit

Governor General Medal of Sovereignty

Governor General Medal of Sovereignty

SPARK Foundation receives Governor General Sovereignty Medal

Community Service Youth initiative

Community Service Youth initiative

Community Service Youth initiative

Surrey Now Leader Community Awards 2019

Surrey Now Leader Community Awards 2019

Surrey Now Leader Community Awards 2019

Women of Distinction

Women of Distinction


Canada 150 Awards

Canada 150 Awards

Recognizing community leaders and volunteers across Canada

Surrey Board of Trade

Surrey Board of Trade

Top 25 Under 25. Recognizing community projects and citizens that are making a positive difference in Surrey BC.

Canadian Fiji Organazition

Canadian Fiji Organazition

Volunteer/leadership community award for local and global sustainable development projects

Soroptimist International

Soroptimist International

Recognizing young women leaders in our Province of British Columbia

Remax Quest for Excellence

Remax Quest for Excellence

Active community leaders with a high academic standing

Girl Guides of Canada

Girl Guides of Canada

Recognizing girls with a passion for local and global engagement

Rochelle acknowledges that she works, lives, and plays on the traditional, unceded territories of the Semiahmoo, Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Kwantlen, Qayqayt and Tsawwassen First Nations peoples.

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